For information on our Domain Name Transfers - please visit this page: Domain Name Transfers
Q. What is a domain transfer?
A. A domain transfer is a process of moving a domain from one registrar to another, this may also include ownership of a domain.
Q. How do I transfer a domain name to Hosting UK?
A. You can normally transfer the domain name at the point of ordering a service although you can also do this after a service has been ordered or if you want to transfer any domain names at a later date.
The process also depends on the domain name type:
For .uk domain names (for example:,,
If your domain name ends in .uk then you will need to request your current ISP / Web host to change the IPS Tag on the domain name to our Tag. You may be able to do this via their control panel.
Then please confirm the change for the domain name by email to: and we will then add it to your account.
We do not charge for this however some providers may do.
For other top level domains (for example: .com .net .org .guru .wiki)
To transfer in your domain you need to follow the process below.
1. You'll need to contact the current hosts and arrange for them to unlock the domain for transfer. You may be able to do this via their control panel.
2. Next you'll need to request an AUTH ID or EPP Code and email this to detailing the full details of the domain/domains to be transferred.
3.. We will then request the domain and notify you once the transfer has been requested.
The current hosts will need to authorise this transfer request and should contact you/the registered domain contact for confirmation.
Note - an inbound transfer of the domain will invoke a mandatory registry fee equivalent to the renewal of that domain type (.com, .org etc.) for 1 year, however, it will prolong the life of the domain for an additional 12 months as part of the process.
For second-level domains (for example
1. You'll need to contact the current hosts and arrange for them to unlock the domain for transfer. You may be able to do this via their control panel.
2. Next, you'll need to request that they change the Handle on the domain to C9732.
3. You should contact support detailing the full details of the domain/domains to be transferred
3.. We will then watch for the domain transfer and notify you once the transfer has been requested.