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Error Page Codes

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We sometimes get asked what a particular web page error code means. The information below may help.

Error Page Codes

All requests via HTTP generate a status code. A status code error will only be displayed after a failed action attempt.

Client Error Codes

400: Bad Request – This status code tells you that the server was not able to process the request due to invalid syntax. This could be due to a number or reasons such as the visitor using an invalid or expired local cookie or the user trying to access an invalid URL for example.

401: Unauthorized – This means that you cannot access the page without a valid user ID and password.If you receive this error after you log in, it means that for some reason the credentials are invalid.

403: Forbidden – A forbidden error happens when a web page does not allow you access. This is usually displayed for one of two reasons, either the owner has purposely or accidently set up access permissions which results in you not being able to view the site.

404: Not Found – This indicates that the browser was able to communicate with the server but was not able to find what was requested. This is commonly due to an error connecting to the websites database.

405: Method Not Allowed – This is not a common error to be displayed. This indicates that the email client that is being used is using a prohibited method. This would be an issue with the email client software itself.

406: Not Acceptable – When a web browser requests information from a server, it sends an accept header.A browser will display A 406 error due to the server not being able to send that data in a requested format.

407: Proxy Authentication Required – This is similar to a 401 error, as it is an issue with permissions.As a 401 error requires authentication, a 407 error is created from the server configured to pass authentication via a proxy.

408: Request Timed Out – This indicates that the server did not receive a complete request from the user within the server’s allocated timeout period.This appears to be a similar error to a 504 error (information on a 504 error can be found below).However, this is not a message from a gateway or proxy but is a direct message from the server the client has connected to.

409: Conflicting Request – This indicates a request conflict with the current state of the server you are trying to access.This is most likely to occur after a PUT request.

410: Gone – This is a request from a server when the requested page/resource has been permanently removed.

411: Content Length Required – This error indicates that a defined content length header was not defined in the request to connect to the server.

412: Precondition Failed – This error is usually displayed during a user trying to upload or modify a resource.This indicates that access to the resource has been denied.This commonly happens with requests other than GET or HEAD.

413: Request Entity Too Long – This error occurs when a request is too large to be processed by the server.This is a common issue with media files.This issue can be resolved by increasing the maximum upload size limit.

414: Request URI Too Long – This error occurs when the URL is too long to be accepted by the server that the request is being sent to.

Server Error Codes

500: Internal Server Error – This is a general error that means that something has gone wrong on the website’s server, however the server was unable to provide a more specific error.

501: Not implemented – This suggest that the server does not support the functionality needed to fulfil the request.

502: Bad Gateway – This indicates that the proxy server was not able to get a valid response from the origin server. This can occur due to a number of reasons such as faulty programming or an overload on the server where the request is coming from.

503 Service Unavailable -This error means that the server that the website is hosted on is not available, this is usually due to an overload or maintenance being carried out on the server.

504: Gateway Timeout -This means that the server did not receive a timely response from another server it was accessing when attempting to load the webpage.It may be hard to determine the exact cause of this due to there being a large amount of possible causes for this.

505: HTTP Version Not Supported – This indicates that the HTTP version is not supported by the server that has received the request.

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